Apella – Election and Promotion of Faculty members
Terms and Conditions of Participation in the Electronic Service
1. The electronic service “Apella”, with respect to the election and promotion of Faculty members, isprovided by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, and technically supported by the GreekResearch and Technology Network (henceforth GRNET S.A.). The object of the service is thecomplete management of the procedures of Faculty members’ election and promotion, as well as thecompilation and maintenance of internal and external Faculty member registries, as required by Act4009/2011.
2. The participation of any candidate/active Faculty member in the “Apella” and the submission ofcandidacy on his behalf for the occupation of a position of election/promotion, implies automaticapproval of the present terms of participation, which result from the current regulatory framework.
3. Besides the candidate for the election/promotion position, the Institution’s Administrator (selectedby decision of the Rector/President of Technological Educational Institution and member of theadministrative staff of the Higher Educational Institution), as well as all first rank Professors andAssociate Professors of the Higher Educational Institutions are considered to be participants in theelectronic service “Apella”. Participation is also allowed to first rank professors and associateprofessors of equivalent foreign Higher Institutions, as well as researchers of the same rank, of eitherdomestic or foreign research institutions, who wish to be selected as external members of theregistries of domestic Higher Educational Institutions.
4. The electronic service "Apella" implements procedures of Higher Educational Institutions, whichare solely responsible for the functions performed by the application and in particular for all thestages that comprise the Faculty members’ election and promotion procedure. GRNET S.A., in thecontext of this procedure, performs technical support debts, satisfying the requests received by theInstitution’s Administrator as well as by the legal representatives of Higher Educational Institutions,without bearing any responsibility for their content. The Ministry of Education supervises the entireprocedure through access available (user account) in the electronic service "Apella".
5. All “Apella” participants explicitly accept that the information provided by them in the electronicservice is correct, true and valid and that every affirmation they make in the information systemfunctions as a Solemn Affirmation, as defined by Act 1599/1986 and with the consequences determined thereby. In particular, the “Apella” participant elected as the most appropriate candidatefor an election/promotion position, whenever asked, ought to provide all the original requireddocuments, in printed form, for the examination of legality, according to the current regulatoryframework.
6. With his/her participation in the central information system and his/her acceptance of the specificterms, the user of the service solemnly affirms that he/she consents to the use and processing ofhis/her personal information with respect to the occupation of an announced election/promotionposition. The user’s information is collected and appropriately processed for the purposes of theservice, for communication with the user and for his updating with respect to matters relevant to thespecific service. The collection and processing of the personal information submitted by the user,along with his explicit affirmation during the creation or updating of his personal account in“Apella”, are subject to the present terms and particularly to the rules of the national, European andinternational legislation, and especially in accordance with the provisions of the law 2472/1997regarding protection of the person from the processing of his personal data, as in force at a giventime. The user also explicitly affirms that according to the aforementioned framework, these data canbe communicated to the relevant institutions of Higher Education. GRNET S.A. maintainsconfidentiality of the personal data submitted by the participant in the service and processes them, onbehalf of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, without, however, communicating them tothird parties, except as provided for by the present. GRNET S.A. takes the appropriate organising andtechnical measures to ensure security of the data and protection from accidental or fraudulentdestruction, accidental loss, distortion, prohibited sharing or access, as well as any kind of illicitprocessing; however it does in no way guarantee that this may not occur, and is in no way responsiblein case it does. Moreover, GRNET S.A., has according to the law notified the Data ProtectionAuthority about the processing of simple personal data submitted by each category of users of theservice, with their consent.
Under no circumstances is GRNET S.A. to be considered answerable or/and responsible for the lossof data and contents forwarded via the service, as well as for any relevant damage. Moreover,GRNET S.A. does not guarantee or bear any responsibility for the accuracy of data and contents thatcan be accessed through the service.
Each participant has the right to be informed or receive notifications regarding maintenance of hispersonal data. Should the user of the service require any information regarding his personal data andtheir use or should he wish to have them corrected/updated, he may contact the Helpdesk.
7. GRNET S.A. takes all necessary measures so as to ensure maximum availability of the service;however, it does in no case guarantee availability or is in no case answerable or/and responsible fordirect or indirect damage owed to loss of the service for any period of time.
8. Users are prohibited from using the electronic service “Apella” in order to forward data that entailor imply:
- false identification of user/member or misleading statement regarding user’s/member’s relationor/and collaboration with another natural or legal person.
- forgery or distortion of users’/members’ identification information, aiming at misleading withrespect to the origin of the content communicated via the electronic service “Apella”.
- advertising messages or any kind of product or service or third party websites’ promotion,unwanted messaging or not required for by the receiver, as well as any kind of unwantedpromotion of materials.
- viruses or any kind of electronic code, files or programmes designed to interfere, destroy orlimit the function of any software of electronic equipment or telecommunication network orequipment.
- interference with the services or disruption of the services or servers or networks that areconnected to the electronic service “Apella” or non compliance with the rules, conditions,procedures and terms of the aforementioned networks.
- intentional or unintentional violation of any local, national, European, international legislationor/and any legislative rule that concerns or/and covers the electronic service “Apella”.
- any kind of invasion of privacy and violation of individual and social rights of theusers/members and of any individual.
9. Nonetheless, GRNET S.A. maintains the right to modify the present terms and conditions posting arelevant announcement on the present website, to inform registered users/members of theservice. Consecutively, the active participation in the “Apella” indicates the acceptance of themodified terms. In case of disagreement with the new terms, each user/participant may require inwriting, from the Helpdesk of the service, deactivation of his account in the present application.
10. The Ministry of Education and GRNET S.A. bear no responsibility at all with respect to the dataand information responsibly provided either by the Institution’s Administrator during upload of thedata for an election/promotion position, or by the candidate/active faculty member during the creationof his/her personal account in the information system or/and his/her electronic submission ofcandidacy.
11. The present terms of use replace any previous oral or written agreement or any other contract,agreement, compact with reference to the Electronic Service “Apella”. The aforementioned terms ofparticipation are conditioned by the Greek law and any dispute about them shall be settled by thecourts of Athens.