Law 4405/2016
I have submitted my candidacy for a position, but I changed my mind. Can I withdraw my candidacy?
A candidacy can be withdrawn by the candidate until the Submission end date. After this date, candidates are not able to withdraw their candidacy through the application and they have to contact the Helpdesk. The candidacy can be withdrawn until the eve of the Electors convocation date.
Can I be notified for the announcement of new positions I am interested in?
Yes, every candidate can sign in their account and through the “User Interests” Tab, manifest interest in positions of specific Institutions/Departments or/and specific subject areas. Subsequently, once a position matching yheir criteria is posted, they will receive a notification from the information system via e-mail.
Καθηγητές / Ερευνητές
How are the electors and the evaluation committees formed?
The Electors are selected from the internal and external member registries of each Department. The full and the substitute members of the electors committee for the election or advancement of professors and Lecturers and for the renewal and establishment of tenured assistant professors are selected by a fully justified in terms of discipline and research output special assembly of the Department. Afterwards, the Electors convocate in order to form the evaluation committee. Through the information system, a Professor/Researcher can access the positions for which they ihave been appointed as a member of the electors or the evaluation committee.
Is it compulsory to register?
Internal and external members of Registries are selected from the General Registry of the Information System. In order for the General Registry to be compiled, ull, associate and assistant Professors of domestic Third-degree Educational Institutions must necessarily register in the Information System. It is also possible for full, associate and assistant Professors of equivalent degree foreign Institutions as well as researchers of both domestic and foreign research institutions to register in the information system. Professors and researchers that had already created an account in the old APELLA system can log in to the new system without registering anew.
Organization Managers
How are internal and external member registries compiled?
The Departments compile, by decision of their Assembly, a Registry of Internal Members and a Registry of External Members, choosing the members from the General Registry of the Apella System. The Registry of Internal Members includes full, associate and assistant professors that serve in each Department of domestic Institutions. The Registry of External Members includes full, associate and assistant professors that serve in other Departments of the Institution or in other domestic or foreign Thrird Degree Educational Institutions, as well as corresponding ranks of researchers in domestic or foreign Research Institutes that cover all the disciplines of the Department. The aforementioned Registries are updated, without a deadline limitation, by the Senate’s decision, made considering the Dean’s consultation and the proposal of the Departments’ Assemblies. The Acts of compiling and updating the internal and external registries are posted on the information system without delay, by the delegated administrative employee of the Department’s or Institution’s Secreteriat.
I have been appointed as Organization Manager. Am I the only administrative employee to interact with the Information System?
No. The Organization Manager is responsible for granting access to the personnel entitled to it and for coordinating the use of the information system on an Institution level. The Organization Manager’s responsibilities are presented in detail here.
Law 4957/2022 (new procedure)
1. How can I be informed about positions that I am interested in?
To select for which subject areas you wish to receive notifications in the new app:
After logging in the application, click on the "User Interests" tab that can be found on the menu on the left. Select or deselect the corresponding categories you wish to receive notifications for, choosing from the available Subject areas/Subjects and Organizations/Departments-Institutes. The bold writing indicates that some of the subcategories of that field have been selected.
Please note that by selecting fields of the two categories (Subject areas/Subjects and Organizations/Departments-Institutes) you will receive notifications for all of the relevant positions as the selections do not function as combined filters. By clicking on the arrows on the left of the Subject areas/Subjects and/or Organizations/Departments-Institutes, the corresponding subcategories appear, i.e. Subjects and/or Departments.
2. How can I apply for a position I am interested in?
In order to apply for a position, you are interested in, please follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your account by following the link:
2) On the "Search New Positions" tab, search for the position you are interested in, select "Submit Candidacy" and then click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page you will be redirected to.
3) On the "My Candidacies" tab, you can confirm that your candidacy has been successfully submitted.
Please note that in order to apply for a position, you must upload at least one file in each of the following fields on the "Profile" tab of your account:
- Curriculum vitae
- Diplomas/Foreign Diplomas
- Publications
- ID or passport
Please note that in order to successfully upload a document in the "Foreign diplomas" field, you should upload the file of the foreign diploma and then, by pressing the "+" symbol that appears next to the uploaded file, select the Foreign Institution from the dropdown list that appears and click on the “Save” button.
3. How can I submit documents that do not match the file categories available on my profile (for example, certificates of previous experience etc.)?
In the Apella information system, candidates can upload documents deemed necessary for their candidacy.
In addition to the indicative fields that exist in the central profile of each user, it is possible to add files to the "Complementary documents" field of each position you have submitted your candidacy for. In order to upload files to the "Complementary documents " field, after logging into your account, click on the "My Candidacies" tab and select the “Edit” button (pencil icon) for the position you wish to add files to. At the bottom of the page you will be redirected to, you can find the “Complementary documents” field. After uploading your files, it is necessary to click on the Save button.
Uploading documents in the "Complementary documents" field is possible since the submission of your candidacy until the eve of the Electors convocation date. Please note that successfully uploading files in the “Complementary documents” field does not necessarily imply their valid submission. The evaluation of the submitted files regarding whether they are submitted within the prescribed period is carried out by the committees provided for by Law, as the Apella Helpdesk is not responsible for this specific procedure.
4. How can I update my already submitted candidacies?
Updating the files in an already submitted candidacy is performed by clicking on the "Update Candidacies" button, on the top of the "Profile" page.
Please note that the "Update Candidacies" feature copies your current "Profile" image to all of your submitted Candidacies for positions that are in "Open" position state.
In order to be able to update your active candidacies you will need to have uploaded files in the following fields of your "Profile":
- Curriculum vitae
- Diplomas/Foreign Diplomas
- Publications
- ID or passport
In any other case, you can add or update your Candidacy files through the "Complementary documents" field for each position. Uploading files in the specific field is possible until the eve of the Electors convocation date.
5. Who has access to my candidacy files?
We inform you that access to the details of a position, as well as to the files submitted by the candidates, is reserved for:
- the Organization Manager and the Department Secretariat
- the Electors
- the Evaluation Committee
- the Apella Helpdesk
The visibility of a candidate's files from his co-candidates is determined by the candidate themselves, when submitting their candidacy, through the option "Other candidates are allowed to access the data of my candidacy" and it is possible to change this option up to the deadline of submissions.
The option " Other candidates are allowed to access the data of my candidacy" is always present, but only has a positive meaning when the "✓" tick/check symbol appears, while when a "-" dash appears, visibility is not active.
6. I applied for a certain position, but later regretted it. Can I withdraw my candidacy?
A candidacy may be withdrawn at any point up until the candidacy submission deadline. After the expiry of the above deadline, there is no possibility of withdrawal through the application and the candidate who wishes to withdraw their candidacy should contact the Apella Helpdesk, until the eve of the Electors convocation date.
Professors / Researchers
1. I am a member of the Academy of Athens. How can I register in the information system?
If you are a member of the Academy of Athens, please contact the secretariat of your organization to receive instructions for registering in the information system.
2. I have been elected through the information system to the position of faculty member. What should I do next?
After your election to a faculty member position through the Apella information system, you should contact the Apella Helpdesk, in order to upgrade your Candidate account, to a Professor/Researcher account.
You will then be able to activate Home organization login.
You will be able to participate in the electoral registries by subject, in electoral committees and evaluation committees.
3. What are the discipline registries?
The discipline registries consist of all the disciplines that are taught and researched by each Department according to the first cycle degree programs they offer. Discipline registries are compiled by decision of the Department's Assembly, approved by the Faculty's Dean's Office and posted on the information system by the Department's Secretariat.
The disciplines of the registries are grouped by scientific field according to the Faculty’s Departments, if any. Disciplines are subsets of a scientific field and are not limited to a narrow scope, nor do they overlap subsets of other disciplines of the same registry. Each registry includes all the disciplines of the sciences taught and researched by the Department, regardless of whether or not faculty members serve in each academic subject of the Department.
4. I am a faculty member. How do I join the Elector Registries?
The Departments, by decision of their Assembly, compile a registry of internal electors and a registry of external electors per discipline treated by the Department according to the approved Discipline Registry, which are posted on the information system by the Secretariat.
The registry of internal electors per discipline and the registry of external electors per discipline consist of two categories of electors, as follows:
- The Registry of Electors of the same discipline includes electors whose disciplines are the same, according to their Nomination act or Act of alteration of their discipline.
- The Registry of Electors of relevant disciplines includes electors whose disciplines are relevant, according to their Nomination act or Act of alteration of their discipline and the entirety of their published research and scientific work.
The registry of internal electors per discipline includes the Faculty members of the Department. Faculty members of the Department may not be included in more than two disciplines as same discipline.
All external electors, i.e. faculty members of other Departments of the same or other Institutions of the country and Institutions abroad, as well as corresponding level researchers of research centers and technological institutes described in article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (A' 258), or other national and foreign research organizations, are included in the registry of external electors by discipline which appertains to the scientific field in which the discipline of the registry is included.
Please note that tenured Assistant Professors are now also included in the registries of electors by discipline.
Faculty members of Institutions who serve in permanent positions and who have not been judged at least once in the context of an open election or advancement process are not included in the elector registries.
Please note that each elector is obliged to update the information system with their personal information required, their Nomination Act, CV where their research and scientific work in general appear, as well as their contact details.
5. How am I selected as a member of an evaluation committee or as an elector? Is my participation mandatory in case I am selected?
The election and advancement of faculty members of all ranks and the establishment of tenured Assistant Professors is conducted by special electoral committees consisting of eleven full members, who belong to the same or higher rank as the announced position and who are appointed, and an equal number of substitutes members. The full and substitute members of the electoral committee are selected through an electronic lottery, conducted in an automated manner through the Apella information system.
The electoral committee consists of five internal and six external electors. Internal electors are selected from the internal electors’ registry by discipline. External electors are selected from the external electors’ registry by discipline.
Please note that Tenured Assistant Professors are now given the opportunity to participate in the electors’ registries by discipline.
Please also note that faculty members who are currently on leave of absence and/or on suspension of duties are excluded from the electronic lottery for electoral committees.
The participation of domestic Institution and research organizations members in the electoral committees is mandatory, unless the full member is prevented due to illness, in which case they are replaced by their corresponding substitute members, who then become full members.
6. How are the electoral committee and the three-member evaluation committee selected?
The members of the electoral committee are selected from the Departments’ Registries of internal and external electors by discipline. The registries of internal and external electors by discipline consist of two categories of electors each, based on the degree of relevance of each faculty member's discipline to the discipline of the registry, i.e. on the one hand electors of the discipline and on the other hand electors of relevant disciplines.
The election, advancement of professors and serving lecturers and the renewal and establishment of tenured assistant professors is conducted by special electoral committees consisting of eleven full members, I.e. five internal and six external electors, who belong at the same or higher rank as the announced position and for which an equal number of substitute members are appointed. The regular and substitute members of the Electoral Committee are selected through an electronic lottery, conducted in an automated manner through the Apella information system.
Then, the electoral committee convocates to form the three-member evaluation committee, which consists of two internal and one external electors.
Through the application, each Professor/Researcher can see for which positions they have been appointed as a member of the electoral committee or the three-member evaluation committee.
7. How can I change/update my profile's information?
Please share with your department's secretary office the details of the FEK (Official Government Gazette) by which your rank or discipline has been altered, in order to accordingly modify your profile in the information system.
8. Is my registration in the Information System mandatory?
Yes. In order to form the General Registry, all professors, associate professors, assistant professors and tenured assistant professors) of the domestic Institutions have to be registered in the Information System.
Subsequently, the internal and external members of the Departments’ Electors’ registries by discipline are selected from the General Registry of the Information System.
9. I am a tenured assistant professor. What is the process I need to follow for my establishment?
Tenured Assistant Professors can submit an establishment application through the information system. Their application is then reviewed by their department’s secretariat and, if approved, a position is created in the information system for them to apply for. Please note that the position to be created is open and visible to other users of the information system, who will also be able to apply for the establishment position.
10. I am a faculty member. What is the process for my advancement to a higher rank?
For their advancement, faculty members can to create a promotion request, through their account, which is reviewed by the department's secretariat and, if approved, a position is created in the information system, to which they can submit their candidacy. Please note that the position to be created will be open and visible to other users of the information system, who will also be able to apply for the advancement position.
Organisation managers
1. Do I have to re-register to the new application?
No, in the new application you do not have to be re-registered. You will be able to log in using the same Username and Password you used in the old application.
2. How are the registries of internal and external electors by discipline compiled?
The Departments, by decision of their Assembly, compile a registry of internal electors and a registry of external electors per discipline treated by the Department according to the approved Discipline Registry, which are posted on the information system by the Secretariat.
The registries of internal and external electors by discipline consist of two categories of electors each, based on the degree of relevance of each faculty member's discipline to the registry’s discipline, i.e. on one hand electors of the same discipline and on the other hand electors of relevant disciplines.
All external electors, i.e. faculty members of other Departments of the same or other Institutions of the country and Institutions abroad, as well as corresponding level researchers of research centers and technological institutes described in article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (A' 258), or other national and foreign research organizations, are included in the registry of external electors by discipline which appertains to the scientific field in which the discipline of the registry is included.
3. I have been nominated Organization Manager. Am I the only administrative personnel who will be interacting with the Information System?
No, each Organization Manager is responsible for granting access to the personnel entitled to it and for coordinating the function of the information system on an Institution level.